- From the Director & From the Managing Editor
Efficiently | Sepeyeonkqua Myles
The Emergence of Religion in Mainstream Hip-Hop | Cameron Marchant
Self-Help: The Past and Future | Monika Derrien
A Derivation of the Hubble Constant Using the Fundamental Plane and Dn-σ Relations | Kyle Story
The Nature of Truth and Time | Aneesha Dharwadker
The Foucauldian-Marxist Conflict:Exploitation and Power in Gay Marriage | Nick Stone
Songs of Lazarus: Chime Bells of Marquis Yi
and Acoustics of Bronze Age China | Heng Du -
We, the Roma: An Interview with Ian Hancock | Josh Harris
Cultural Warriors: The Old South and Contemporary Conservatism | Adam Sasiadek
Friends: Discrimination and Mediated Communication | Rob Fishman