For Graduate Students
The Knight Institute offers two six-week training courses for graduate students teaching writing in either the First-Year Writing Seminar or Writing in the Majors programs.
Writing 7100: Teaching First-Year Writing
Writing 7100 prepares new instructors of Cornell’s First-Year Writing Seminars to teach courses that both introduce students to particular fields of study and help them develop the sophisticated writing skills they will need throughout their undergraduate careers. Seminar discussions and readings on pedagogical theories and practices provide an overview of the teaching of writing within a disciplinary context. Participants develop written assignments designed to be used in their own First-Year Writing Seminars. Prerequisite: TA appointment to teach a FWS.
Writing 7101: Writing in the Majors Seminar
Graduate teaching assistants appointed to Writing in the Majors courses enroll in Writing 7101, our seminar on writing and teaching in the disciplines. This course provides an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of specific issues that arise in Writing in the Majors courses. It also explores more general dimensions of writing and teaching that are rarely objects of instruction in graduate programs or topics of organized discussion within departments.
For Faculty
Faculty Seminar in Writing Instruction
The Faculty Seminar in Writing Instruction provides a small group of Cornell faculty an opportunity to explore the relationship between teaching and writing while developing or refining new or existing courses. Seminar sessions focus on exploring frameworks for teaching writing in a range of courses and include opportunities to collectively review and workshop draft materials produced by seminar participants. These courses may be designated writing courses but they need not be. We welcome applications from faculty of any rank; we particularly invite applications from faculty new to Cornell.