Consult this reference as you prepare to teach in the Knight Institute's First-Year Writing Seminar Program (FWS), one of the country's largest and most diverse programs in writing in the disciplines.
Proposing a FWS
FWS teaching assignments are made by individual departments. Seminar topics must be proposed and designed under the auspices of the sponsoring department. That department, after its own review, then submits them for final Knight Institute and Education Policy Committee review.
The Knight Institute may edit course descriptions for publications in the FWS brochure and the eCommons site; if extensive editorial changes are required, the instructor and/or the course leader will normally be consulted.
Many syllabi, assignment sequences, exercises, and prize-winning student essays are available for review in the Knight Institute office, 105 Stimson Hall.
Resources for FWS Instructors
The materials provided here are revised each academic year with updated contacts, support information, and sample semester schedules.
Building your FWS Syllabus
- FWS Requirements
- FWS Learning Outcomes
- FWS Syllabus: What to Include
- Guidelines for First Assignments
- Sample Schedule for Drafts and Dates
Preparing to Teach your FWS
- Nuts and Bolts - Logistics, Books, and Grades
- First Day Checklist
- The First FWS Writing Assignment
- Teaching Resources for Instructors
- Student Attendance
- Academic Integrity Code and Procedures
- Guidance for AI Best Practices in FWS
- Cornell Instructor Responsibilities
FWS Course Evaluations
- Administering Student Evaluations
- Optional Mid-Term Evaluation
- Required End of Semester Evaluation
- Instructor Reflection
Submitting Course Grades
- Dates for Submitting Grades
- How to Submit Final Course Grades
- Submitting Incomplete and Adjusting Grades
Responding to Students of Concern
- Students of Concern - Protocols and Procedures
- Resources for Student Mental Wellbeing and Health
- Professional Academic Advising Community
- College Contacts for Advising and Student Services
Professional Development