Tutoring Writing
All tutors earn an hourly wage at a rate determined by New York State and Cornell University or by Federal Work Study appointments.
Cornell Writing Centers
Undergraduate and graduate students can work up to 12 hours per week in one of our 6 campus locations to support all writers at any stage of the drafting process on ANY type of academic, professional, and public writing project. Apply to be a Cornell Writing Centers Tutor
Knight Writers Mentor Program
Undergraduate and graduate students can work up to 6 hours per week to support writers enrolled in First-Year Writing Seminars or other writing-intensive courses, and students students working on substantial writing projects, like honors theses. Writing mentors meet with assigned students for one or two hours each week for the duration of a semester or year to develop effective and sustainable writing habits and strategies. Apply to be a Knight Writing Mentor
Graduate Writing Service
Graduate students can work up to 12 hours per week to support other graduate students, postdocs, and faculty as they develop and refine scholarly, professional, and pedagogical materials. Apply to be a Graduate Writing Service Tutor
Knight Institute Summer Training Program
Graduate students who have taught or are preparing to teach First-Year Writing Seminars work 8-10 hours a week as tutors during the 6-week summer session under the mentorship of Dr. Kate Navickas, the Writing Center Director. The internship includes both tutoring writing and reflecting on and learning about writing pedagogy, practice and classroom applications. Learn more about the Knight Institute Summer Training Program
Teaching Writing
First-Year Writing Seminar Graduate Student Instructor
Graduate students in any program or department can apply to be the instructor of record of a First-Year Writing Seminar.
- Apply for a Department/Program Sponsored Teaching Assistantship to teach a First-Year Writing Seminar
- Apply for a Buttrick-Crippen Fellowship to teach a First-Year Writing Seminar
"Teaching Writing" Co-Facilitator
Every summer and fall, the Knight Institute offers a 6-week training course for graduate students preparing to teach First-Year Writing Seminars. Current graduate student instructors can work as teaching assistants. Apply to be a WRIT 7100 "Teaching Writing" Co-Faciliatator
Knight Institute Temporary Lectureship
Former FWS Graduate Instructors teach alternate route First-Year Writing Seminars in our Writing Workshop. Learn more here about the Knight Institute Temporary Lectureship