The CWC provides support for individuals at any stage of the writing process. It is a free resource available to all of Cornell—undergraduate students, pre-freshman and high schoolers in summer programs, graduate students, staff, faculty, and alumni—for nearly any kind of writing project: applications, presentations, lab reports, essays, papers, and more. Tutors (highly trained undergraduate students) serve as responsive listeners and readers who can address questions about the writing process or about particular pieces of writing. They will ask questions that foster critical thinking about your writing, and they will also consider questions of confidence, reading, analytic thought, imagination, and research. All tutors have training in supporting multilingual writers, working with writers remotely online, and in supporting writers working on application materials.
For spring 2025, the Cornell Writing Centers will start tutoring on Monday, February 3. The CWC offers both appointment-based sessions and walk-ins at five locations (Rockefeller 178, Mann Library Consultation Area, 108 Uris Library, 403 Olin library, and B06 Ruth Bader Ginsburg). Writers will need to register for accounts and make appointments on our scheduling platform for all online appointments.
First Day of Tutoring | Monday, February 3 |
No Tutoring: February Break | Friday, February 14—Tuesday, February 18 |
No Tutoring: Spring Break | Friday, March 28—Sunday, April 6 |
Last Day of Regular Tutoring | Tuesday, May 6 |
Limited Exams Tutoring | 3:00-5:00pm May 8-9 and 12-13, only in-person in Rockefeller 178 |
Sundays—Thursdays, 7:00-9:00pm
Mondays—Thursdays, 3:00-5:00pm
The CWC recognizes and values the rich diversity of writers at Cornell, who come from different educational, national, racial, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds with varying ways of thinking and being in the world. The CWC further acknowledges the racialized ways languages (and their users) are hierarchized based on white linguistic norms. To combat linguistic injustice, our tutors receive ongoing pedagogical training on how to ask questions and provide feedback that encourages writers to value and use their own languages and voices in ways that honor linguistic differences, seek growth in writing and thinking, and advocate for their right to their language. We are committed to respecting each writer as a whole person who has agency over their writing and language choices.
The Cornell Writing Centers are generally flexible in our work with writers, but the following guidelines may help you to better understand how we function as well as some of our limitations.
Writers can only make a 60-minute appointment using our online scheduler, WC Online. We recognize that 60-minutes may seem like too much time and/or may be overwhelming. However, this requirement is to protect both your scheduled appointment time (for example, in cases where figuring out technology or wifi issues may take up 10-minutes in the beginning of the session) and to protect our tutors from fatigue. Further, the length of the actual session will be determined by what you bring to work on with the tutor (that is, you do not need to use the entire allotted hour appointment).
Writers are encouraged to only bring 4-6 pages of writing at a time. If you bring a longer piece of writing, we would strongly encourage you to have a smaller section that you'd like to work on. We believe that tutoring is best when the writer and tutor are working together to think through smaller sections.
Generally, writers can only make two appointments per week through our online scheduling system, WC Online. Our goal is to help you understand how your piece of writing works and how you can revise it and grow as a writer. Growing as a writer involves reading and revising your writing on your own as well as working with a tutor; thus, we hope that the maximum of two appointments per week will encourage further time reading and thinking about your writing on your own. Further, we are a limited resource and want to ensure as many people as possible can make appointments.
We encourage writers to work with multiple tutors, rather than only making appointments with the same tutor for every session. We believe that getting multiple perspectives on your writing will prove more useful.
We encourage writers to cancel WC Online appointments no less than 8 hours before the scheduled appointment. Canceling your appointment, when necessary, is a courtesy both to the tutor and to other writers who may wish to make an appointment at that time. If you miss three appointments (without canceling them), your WC Online account will be automatically disabled.
Our tutors are trained to create a collaborative tutoring experience that is interactive and conversational. They will ask you questions about your larger argument and purpose in writing, how you're using evidence and analyzing, and how you're understanding particular vocabulary or language choices. We believe that writers learn about writing through both doing the work (writing, revising) and through talking about their writing and noticing the effect of certain choices. Thus, to get the most out of a tutoring session, we hope that you will come prepared to have a rich and engaging conversation about your writing!
The CWC also honors each tutor's agency to make decisions that represent a negotiation of what is best for both the tutor and the writer. This policy acknowledges that both tutors and writers are complex humans with varying needs when it comes to reading, writing, and communicating. That means, your tutor may ask you to print out your essay because that's how they read best, or a tutor may be willing to work with you for an extra half hour or they may need to be done immediately when their tutoring shift is done. Tutors, like writers, have individual reading and tutoring preferences as well as varying comfort levels with different types of situations--we encourage them, like you, to make purposeful decisions that all parties are comfortable with. While this policy does result in a variety of different practices and approaches to different situations, we hope that you'll respect each tutor's requests and sense of what they need, as they will also respect your choices about what you need.
We use WC Online (https://cornell.mywconline.net/) for scheduling appointments and keeping track of the number of appointments we have each semester. If you came to the Writing Centers without an appointment, it is likely a tutor created a WC Online account for you in order to track the appointment. If you are trying to login to WC Online and can’t, simply use your Cornell email address and click on “Reset your password.” The “Reset your password” link is right below the login button.
Generally, we do not support tutors (who are peers) providing teachers with proof of an appointment. Since we believe that peers are equals and tutors do not have power over their peers, tutors should not be asked to sign or authorize any documents that prove writers attended a session. However, writers can request that tutors email the writers their client report from, which the writer can use as they please. Client report forms are, generally, an internal document that summarizes and reflects on the tutoring session.
Online tutoring is by appointment only, so to get started, writers need to register for an account and make an appointment.
Our online appointments offer the option for video-conferencing or text-box chatting, and in order to “show up” for an appointment, you simply need to login to the schedule, click on your appointment, and then click the yellow link that says “START OR JOIN CONVERSATION.” Our tutors will be prepared to help you navigate technology issues—they will email you to check-in and offer help should you have any trouble “showing up.”
Check-out this video demo for how to make and "show up" for an appointment:
Though we work hard to ensure smooth online appointments, due to the regularity of technical and other unforeseen issues, we ask all writers to make hour-long appointments. If technology/internet issues do arise or you're struggling to "show up," don't worry--our tutors are trained to reach out and help and they all have a back-up plan!
"As a writing tutor, I enjoy the one-on-one conversations and brainstorming sessions I have with writers from various disciplines. This experience has challenged me to not only quickly learn and dive into a topic that I am not too familiar with, but also tailor my advice to the writers' specific needs and goals. I have become a better writer and critical thinker thanks to this job!"
- Sichun Liu
"Being a writing tutor at WC makes me realize writing is not a solitary activity. It gives you access to the workings of so many brilliant minds."
- Qijia Yu
"It is incredibly satisfying to have a job as intellectually stimulating as being a Writing Tutor for the Knight Institute. As an international student studying mechanical engineering, I have worked with students of feminist studies, urban planning, music theory, English, and anthropology - to name a few. These interactions - where I get to learn as much as the students who come to the writing center - have allowed me to experience fully the breadth of a liberal arts university despite having a 'technical' major, and have greatly enriched my Cornell experience."
- Emad Masroor
As the above quotes indicate, tutors find this work to be rewarding for a number a reasons: working with writers from across the disciplines, the intellectual engagement of tutoring, the collaboration, professional development around pedagogy and writing, and the community! We have a vibrant and diverse tutoring community that participates in on-going professional development activities. This work is generative, creative, and an excellent opportunity for students interested in communication, writing, education, and collaborative learning.
Our undergraduate and graduate writing tutors provide support for a diverse pool of writers at various stages of the drafting process for nearly any kind of writing project. We operate out of five campus locations to offer thirty- to sixty-minute individual meetings. During tutorials, writing tutors typically:
In short, writing tutors serve as responsive listeners and readers who can address questions about the writing process or about particular pieces of writing.
Writing mentors are experienced CWC tutors who meet with assigned students for one or two hours each week for the duration of a semester or year to develop effective and sustainable writing habits and strategies. Undergraduate and graduate students can work up to 6 hours per week to support writers enrolled in First-Year Writing Seminars or other writing-intensive courses, and students working on substantial writing projects, like honors theses. Writing Mentors meet regularly for reflection on pedagogy and practice with Dr. Kate Navickas. Though mentors may start tutoring right away, they still are required to attend the same 7-week paid tutor training that new undergraduate writing center tutors do (this starts the week before spring break).
Graduate students, seniors, and current Writing Center tutors are encouraged to apply. Applications from juniors with relevant experience may also be considered.
The Writing Centers regularly hire graduate students for the role of assistant director. The work involves 5 hours of administrative work per week. The position includes tasks like reviewing tutor applications, participating in tutor interviews, conducting peer observations, analyzing Writing Center data, leading tutor staff meetings, teaching or co-facilitating tutor training, and other necessary administrative work. Assistant directors meet regularly with the director, Kate, to select administrative experiences that align with the program’s needs and the TA’s interests as well as to reflect on the professional value of the experiences.
All tutor applicants must be matriculated Cornell students.
Application Process: Applications will be reviewed after the spring deadline. A select number of applicants will be invited to sign-up for small-group interviews. The applicants who will be offered positions tutoring, will begin the 7-week tutor training course (WRIT 2101) after group interviews, roughly midway through the semester. Thus, the application and training process approximately takes a full semester. Newly hired tutors will begin tutoring during the exams period of the semester they get hired and trained. We hope to encourage tutors to apply early in their academic career and to continue tutoring throughout their time at Cornell.
WRIT 2101: Responding to Writing: Theory & Pedagogy (1 credit)
Course Description: This course introduces students to scholarship on writing pedagogy, requiring them to think critically about collaborative learning strategies, multilingual writing challenges, ethical considerations in peer tutoring, and the ways in which race and other facets of identity inform teaching and learning. The learning objectives include: develop an understanding of different theories of writing and the history of writing centers; practice reading and responding to a variety of different writing genres and student situations in ways that connect theory to practice; learn to question assumptions in specific pieces of writing, frameworks for writing, and in pedagogical interactions; self-reflect on individual writing processes, writing, and previous educational experiences; analyze the ways in which writer and tutor identities affect pedagogical interactions and learn strategies for equitable and ethical tutoring; develop confidence in suggesting interventions for other writers at various stages of their writing processes; and, gain flexibility in utilizing a variety of strategies for fostering writer agency and growth.
Spring 2025 Tutor Training Course Details:
The Cornell Writing Centers (CWC) can help support you and your students through classroom visits and workshops, writing guides, and the Essay Response & Consultation Program. We are always excited to work with you to develop activities, workshops, or resources that are specific to your course and writing needs.
The CWC relies on support and promotion from faculty and instructors across campus; thus, we hope that you will continue to support our services and your students by including the CWC blurb (below) on your syllabus or Canvas site and by periodically reminding students about the work we do.
The Cornell Writing Centers (CWC) provide support for individuals at any stage of the writing process. It is a free resource available to everyone on campus—faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students—for nearly any kind of writing project: applications, presentations, lab reports, essays, papers, and more. Tutors (trained peers) serve as responsive listeners and readers who can address questions about the writing process or about particular pieces of writing. They can also consider questions of confidence, assignment expectations, critical reading, analytic thought, and imagination. All writing tutors are also trained to work with multilingual writers writing in English and to help support application materials. Walk-ins are welcome, or you can make an appointment here: https://cornell.mywconline.net/
To promote the CWC, we typically print promotional bookmarks, stickers, and posters each semester. All students in first-year writing seminars receive either a CWC bookmark or sticker each semester. If you would like us to send promotional materials to you for your course or to send posters to be hung in your building, please email Director Kate Navickas, ken43@cornell.edu.
Making an appointment at the Cornell Writing Centers can be intimidating for students. When you talk about the value of tutoring, it helps to explain to students what they can expect. Here are some points we hope you might emphasize:
The Cornell Writing Centers do not officially support requiring students to attend a tutoring session. There are several reasons why it may not be best to require students to get tutored. On a logistical level, we usually have two tutors for each shift at each location; requiring tutoring can lead to one location being overwhelmed, which isn’t great for either tutors or students. On a more pedagogical level, tutoring is primarily about fostering writer agency—that is, tutors are trained to help writers become better writers through the writer’s own work, efforts, writing and thinking. This type of learning environment works best when students make the choice for themselves to come to the Writing Centers. Sometimes, when students are required, they are resistant to feedback or less interested in discussing their work or actively engaging with their writing, which makes tutoring less effective.
While we discouraging requiring tutoring appointments, we do understand the value of giving students a slightly stronger form of motivation. We often hear stories of students who have had meaningful learning experiences through a tutoring session but would have never made an appointment if a teacher had not encouraged them to do so. Instead of requiring tutoring, though, we recommend offering a writing center appointment as extra credit. If you choose to do this, here is some advice:
The CWC has developed a select number of writing guides (with downloadable PDF handouts) on common writing skills. While these writing guides are written for student audiences, we encourage teachers to share them directly with students or to use them to develop in-class activities related to specific assignments. Further, we are happy to meet with teachers to discuss specific writing assignments or challenges and develop course-specific writing guides. For more information on course-specific writing guides, please contact Director Kate Navickas, ken43@cornell.edu.
The CWC can also help foster productive and engaging small group writing workshops in your class! Kate Navickas, Director of the Cornell Writing Centers, along with some tutors, can schedule classroom visits that promote effective peer responses around higher order concerns, like focus, organization, the development of ideas, thesis sentences, using sources, etc. Tutors will work with and alongside small groups of students as they read and respond to each others' writing.
Workshops are limited by our schedules and capacity. When requesting one, we typically ask for:
Contact Kate Navickas for more details.
The Essay Response Consultation enables instructors to sit down one on one with tutors to talk about student writing. Because tutors have a great deal of experience in reading student essays and teacher comments, they can usefully support instructors who want to deepen and extend strategies for commenting on student work. Instructors can work with tutors to:
The Cornell Writing Center tutors are a diverse group of primarily undergraduate students from across the disciplines. They are highly trained in tutoring pedagogy, completing both a required half-semester course and ongoing bi-monthly professional development. In addition to their training, tutors share a love of writing and a commitment to collaborative learning. If you're interested in joining our community, learn more about applying to become a tutor here.
Rachel Horner (she/her) CWC Assistant Director
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Grace Aiono (she/her)
Grace is a College Scholar and French major studying how people read and write about medieval stories about women. She loves to cook, go to trivia, and spend time with friends. She is so excited to talk with students about their work and to help them write more confidently and clearly! | ||
Ethan Amoh (he/him)
Ethan is a Chemistry major from Chantilly, Virginia. In his free time, he is often found watching historical/geographical videos on Youtube, listening to music from the Romantic period, or studying languages and culture. He is excited to be working at the Writing Center and getting to share his love of language and its functions with other students! | ||
Leah Badawi (she/her)
Leah is a Government and English major in the College of Arts & Sciences from New York City. She is an aspiring author who loves researching ancient history, is a life-long fan of sci-fi and fantasy books (her favorite being Frankenstein), and has an unhealthy Mario Kart obsession. She can’t wait to learn from other writers and share her passion for the written word! | ||
Mia-Lucia Barashenkov | ||
Meghan Barr Meghan is a Global Development major concentrating in Food and Agricultural systems in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences from Queens, New York. In her free time, she enjoys painting, hiking, and film. She is excited to work with writers from various disciplines and help them develop confidence in their writing. | ||
Cassandra Beckmann (she/her)
Cassandra (Cassie) is an ILR major from Athens, NY. Outside of the Writing Center, she rides on Cornell’s Equestrian team and volunteers with the Ithaca Youth Bureau. In her free time, she loves to hike and play guitar. As a tutor, she’s excited to work collaboratively alongside Cornell’s writers to help them with the next steps of their writing process. | ||
Ben Carrick (he/him)
Meet Ben, a Public Policy major at the Brooks School from Syracuse, New York. When he’s not at the Writing Center, you can find him playing soccer with friends, studying in MVR, thrifting for cool finds, or hitting the trails for a hike. Ben can’t wait to meet new people and tackle some fun projects together! | ||
Ruby Chase Ruby is a Biology major in the College of Arts and Sciences with a focus on evolutionary biology and ecology. She enjoys running, water sports, painting and traveling. At Cornell she participates in Women’s Club Soccer, volunteers with Special Olympics and instructs SCUBA courses! She is a first year tutor excited to meet more members of the Cornell community and share her writing passion! | ||
Caroline Cheng (she/her)
Caroline is a computer science major from the Bay Area, California. In addition to the Writing Center, Caroline is involved in the Association of Computer Science Undergraduates and the Cornell International Affairs Society, and she enjoys drawing, swimming, and exploring the beautiful nature. She looks forward to collaborating with and supporting the growth of all writers! | ||
Carly Diago (she/her)
Carly is a psych major and Spanish minor in the College of Arts & Sciences from San Diego, CA. She is involved in psychology research across various labs at Cornell and beyond, notably studying child suggestibility in Cornell’s Child Witness and Cognition Lab and childhood anxiety in the Kalin Lab at UW-Madison. Outside of the writing center, you might find her TAing for a class, peer mentoring through the EARS program, practicing for an ear-splitting solo for a Mediocre Melodies concert, or (and this one is most likely) walking aimlessly across campus overthinking life’s most pressing questions. | ||
Adowyn Ernste (she/her) Adowyn is a College Scholar and English major studying sound/image relationships and nonlinear structures in experimental film. In her free time, she loves writing songs on guitar, reading fantasy books, designing characters, and hugging her cats. Adowyn is excited to provide support, empowerment, and a listening ear to writers as they refine their ideas and their words. | ||
Kevin Feng (he/him)
Kevin is an Economics & Statistics double major in the college of arts and sciences, from Shanghai, China. Outside of his work as a tutor, he is passionate about soccer (yay Man City!), frisbee, food, and traveling. Kevin is excited to support writers - particularly non-native speakers & writers - to achieve their writing goals and discover joy in the process! | ||
Jasmine Gill (she/her) Jasmine is a Human Biology, Health, and Society major from Basking Ridge, NJ. When she’s not tutoring, you’ll likely find her writing fantasy, lifting, or watching horror movies. She loves working with students and alumni from all backgrounds, and is excited to have plenty more enjoyable and productive sessions with the writing center’s tutees this semester! | ||
Ajani Green-Watson Aj is an Economics and Africana Studies double major on the pre-law track. With a passion for music and songwriting, she loves to bring art and creativity into professional spaces, making the experience more authentic. Although from New York City, Aj loves to take pleasure in the slower, calmer things in life like nature walks, meditation, and journaling. To her, honest writing is a form of vulnerability and sharing your true thoughts enhances the human connection. | ||
Sia Gu Sia is a Comparative Literature major in the College of Arts and Sciences. Apart from being a tutor, she works as a campus tour guide and is part of the Humanities Scholars Program. Sia loves reading, watching random films with friends, and trying new sports. She is excited to work with writers across different disciplines! | ||
Carolina Guerrero-Gomez (she/her)
Carolina is studying philosophy and psychology in the College of Arts & Sciences and is from Miami, Florida. Outside of tutoring, she enjoys being a part of the Cornell Rowing Club and loves to bake, crochet, and play the piano. She is looking forward to engaging with and supporting fellow peers and guiding them toward future success! | ||
Niles Hite Niles is a Communication major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He comes all the way from Rockford, Illinois which is about 760 miles away, but he couldn't be any more grateful for the warmth the Cornell community has provided him all the way out here in Ithaca. In his free time he enjoys cooking, traveling, and reading essays. He's really excited to work with students at the writing center and hopes that he is able to show that no matter where someone is in terms of their writing ability- they too are just as much of a writer as anyone else. | ||
James Hoehner (he/him)
James is studying food science and has side interests in lake ecology and science communication. He likes rollerblading, playing Wordle, and watching football & hockey. James is excited to help point you in the “write” direction on your next project! | ||
Benjamin Isaacson (he/him) Ben is a Biological Sciences major from Long Island, NY. Outside the writing center, he loves making music, telling mysteries, designing games, and talking about cats. He looks forward to getting to help writers bring their narratives to life! | ||
Wilson Kan Wilson is a government and economics major from Bethesda, MD. Outside the classroom, he is involved in the Translator Interpreter Program and co-facilitates the Cantonese conversation hour. An avid AvGeek, Wilson enjoys traveling and exploring the world around him in his spare time. He is very excited to work with Cornell’s diverse and talented writers! | ||
Madeleine Kapsalis (she/her)
Madeleine is from the suburbs of Chicago and a student in the College of Arts & Sciences majoring in English and minoring in French on the pre-law track. She enjoys writing her own realistic fiction novels, learning new languages, listening to house music, and journaling in her free time. On campus, you’ll most likely see her roaming around with a coffee in hand, studying at any of the beautiful libraries, or vlogging life’s happy moments. She can’t wait to work with writers and support their creative journey in any way possible! | ||
Yunoo Kim Yunoo is a Computer Science and Linguistics student in the College of Arts and Sciences. She enjoys creative writing and going on long walks with her earbuds in. She is thrilled to be working as a writing center tutor and looks forward to talking with fellow students. | ||
Jaein Ku (she/her)
Jaein is an ILR major from Queens, NY. In addition to tutoring, she enjoys swimming, photography, playing the piano, and performing with the Cornell Orchestras as a double bassist. As a tutor, Jaein is enthusiastic about making writing a fulfilling and meaningful experience for her students. | ||
Theodore Lee (he/him) Theo is an Animal Science major from New York City. When he’s not staring down viruses in the vet school, you can probably find him poking around on an old bass guitar (or trumpet, sax, or piano), or out on a run on campus. | ||
Lucas Li (he/him)
Lucas is a Linguistics and Computer Science major, as well as a Humanities Scholar, from Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. As an international student, he is passionate about helping other multilingual writers with their work. Outside of being a writing tutor, Lucas works as a TA for Cornell Bowers CIS and a research assistant in the Computational Psycholinguistics, Natural Language Processing, and Phonetics labs where he studies how humans and machines process and formulate language. | ||
Bingsong Li Bing is a Government and China-Asia-Pacific-Studies student in the College of Arts and Sciences. As a writer for the Roosevelt Institute and research assistant, he is especially excited about persuasive writing and can’t wait to work with the fascinating ideas that writers of all disciplines will bring to the writing center! | ||
Kelly Li (she/her)
Kelly is an ILR major from New York City. Outside of the Writing Center, she is involved in the Cornell University Parole Initiative, Pulseguard, and Speech and Debate. In her free time, she likes to travel, spend time with friends and family, and try out new restaurants. She looks forward to working closely with writers across different disciplines and backgrounds. | ||
Kevin Lu Kevin is an Economics and Data Science major in the College of Arts and Sciences from Woodbridge, Connecticut. Outside of classes, you can often find him chilling in the Low Rises (where he is an RA), manning the popcorn machine in Willard Straight Hall, or just hiking around Beebe lake. Kevin is a fan of all things relating to cows, tea, and Lord of the Rings, and his favorite words to say are “stay salubrious”! So… stay salubrious! | ||
Hannah Meng (she/her)
Hannah is studying Government and Psychology in the College of Arts & Sciences and is from the Bay Area in California. She likes to spend her free time dancing, baking, hanging out with friends, and finding new study spots at Cornell. On campus, she’s involved with Big Red Buddies and the Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity. She’s excited to work with writers from all different academic backgrounds! | ||
Bita Molaie Bita is a pre-law Human Development major in the College of Human Ecology from New Jersey. On campus, she is also involved in the Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity. Outside of classes, Bita enjoys reading, playing tennis, and spending time with her family, friends, and dog. She’s excited to work with a variety of talented writers from all disciplines! | ||
Max Nam (he/him) Max is an English major from Seoul, South Korea. Besides being a writing tutor, he is involved in the Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity, the Humanities Scholars Program, and the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship. He is also a member of Shimtah, Cornell’s only traditional Korean drumming society! | ||
Nnenna Ochuru (she/her) Nnenna is a double major in History and American Studies, and serves as President of the Wari house and Vice President of the Cornell Historical Society on campus. In her free time, she loves to walk around in nature and host movie nights in with her friends. As a tutor, Nnenna looks forward to helping students to express their original ideas and voice in their writing. | ||
Laura Orland (she/her)
Laura is a Materials Science and Engineering major from Philadelphia, PA. Besides tutoring, she is a part of the ChemE Car at Cornell project team, a member of the Cornell Materials Society, an undergraduate TA & researcher, and an avid hockey fan (Go Flyers!!). Laura can't wait to work with Cornell's talented and unique writers on their projects! | ||
Kira Pawletko (she/her) Kira is a Biological Sciences, Cognitive Science, College Scholar, and Psychology major in the College of Arts & Sciences from Greenwich Village and Syracuse, New York. Outside of the Writing Center, Kira is a Resident Advisor, TA, and Research Assistant in the Experience & Cognition Lab and loves learning about neuroscience. In her free time, Kira loves playing woodwind instruments, training in mixed martial arts, learning foreign languages, and getting boba with friends. She loves being a tutor and can’t wait to work with Cornell’s awesome writers! | ||
Ava Perez (she/her)
Ava is an Animal Science major from Brooklyn, New York. Aside from being a tutor, she is the President of VAW Global and works at veterinary clinics to help animals in need! In her free time, she loves to read fantasy and dystopian novels, watch TV shows, and take walks in nature. She’s ecstatic to meet students and encourage writers to always believe in their work and themselves. | ||
Parker Piccolo Hill (she/her) Parker is double majoring in English and Italian in the College of Arts & Sciences. When not tutoring, she is involved in numerous publications around campus as both a writer and editor and can pretty much always be found typing away in the Olin Stacks. In her free time, Parker loves reading, writing, cooking, frolicking in nature, watering her hordes of plants, and doing massive paint by numbers. She’s looking forward to learning about previously unknown fields through everyone’s writing! | ||
Stacey Roy Stacey is an Industrial & Labor Relations major from Queens, New York, pursuing minors in Business and Information Science. Alongside tutoring, she is also responsible for community engagement initiatives with Cornell’s LGBT Resource Center for sexual wellness and relationship education. Stacey enjoys crochet fashion, intergenerational historical fiction novels, Radiohead, matcha, and anything HBO produces, but you’ll find them most enthused by writing Yelp reviews. Her philosophy is that anybody can be a great writer when they are passionate about something and she’s excited to help every person discover their personal style. | ||
Marina Starikovsky Marina is a junior in the ILR School, minoring in economics, law and society, and history. This is her first semester tutoring, and she is looking forward to working with all kinds of writers, tackling all kinds of ideas. In her free time, she enjoys reading fiction, running in the Botanical Gardens, and talking to her dog on facetime. | ||
Henry Tan (he/him)
Henry is a Malaysian double majoring in Economics and Statistical Science. When he’s not doing data analysis and visualization, he gets involved in Cornell REAL A Cappella and enjoys reading at the Math Library. He’s excited to meet students from different disciplines and writing styles and learn about their thoughts and opinions. | ||
Myra Taylor (she/her) Myra is an Astronomy major whose passion for language and storytelling inspired her to pursue a minor in creative writing. She loves working with students from various disciplines and aims to help her peers see all forms of writing as enjoyable, self-expressive outlets rather than tedious tasks. Beyond academia, she enjoys trivia, experimenting in the kitchen and collecting unique stones.
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Sanjana Vittal Sanjana is a Computer Science major in the College of Arts & Sciences from East Windsor, New Jersey. At Cornell, she plays on the Chess Team and is a Rawlings Presidential Research Scholar. In her free time, Sanjana loves dancing, ice skating, and reading mysteries. She is looking forward to meeting and working with new writers at the Writing Center! | ||
Jason Wagner Jason is a CALS undergraduate majoring in Nutritional Sciences from Rochester, NY. Outside of the classroom, he loves to spend time reading, playing cello, and hiking the scenic trails around Ithaca. He is looking forward to working with writers in all majors and helping them find their unique voices! | ||
Miao Wang (any pronouns) Miao is an English and Philosophy major in the College of Arts & Sciences from North Potomac, Maryland. When not tutoring, they can be found editing for the literary magazine Rainy Day, performing with stage combat group Ring of Steel, and playing the occasional video game. They look forward to seeing what work people bring to the writing center this semester! | ||
Finley Williams Finley is an American Studies major concentrating in the relationship between popular culture and cultural change. When she’s not tutoring, she enjoys hiking, biking, crocheting, and writing prose. She can’t wait to continue helping writers explore and hone their voices! | ||
Kyleena Xin (she/her)
Kyleena is a double major in computer science and sociology from San Antonio, Texas. Outside of the writing center, she is a part of the women’s club soccer team and loves to cook, crochet, and journal. Kyleena is absolutely thrilled to support and guide her peers toward success in the writing world! |