Award for FWS Instrutors

Each spring the John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines will give two awards of $750 for outstanding achievement in reflective pedagogy, as embodied in a teaching portfolio submitted by a graduate-student instructor of a First-Year Writing Seminar. 

Why work on a teaching portfolio?

Gathering materials for a teaching portfolio can help you to become a better teacher. Good teachers continue to learn to teach throughout their careers, and self-reflection can be an important part of that process. You can maintain and develop a portfolio, then, for your own learning and record-keeping purposes. Having a teaching portfolio may also help you to get a job, or get promoted.

To be eligible for an Award, the teacher must:

• have taught at least two semesters of FWSs
• have participated in a minimum of two of the following activities: Peer Collaboration, TA Mentorship, Essay Response Consultation program, or Knight Institute Co-Facilitator positions
• have a course leader or faculty mentor submit a recommendation
• (optional) have participated in the Graduate Student School Outreach program, through which mini-courses may be offered in one of the area’s K-12 schools
• above all, submit a Teaching Portfolio, including (but not limited to) a well-organized sampling of materials such as course syllabi, assignments and exercises, student evaluations, observation reports, reflections on training and professional development, a statement of your teaching philosophy, etc. Electronic submissions are preferred.

Applications are due Monday, July 18, 2022.

Follow this link for more information: The Teaching Portfolio Award for Graduate Student Instructors of First-Year Writing Seminars


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