Not sure about your academic writing?
Feel confident about the FWS you choose!
The Knight Institute administers one of the oldest and most celebrated undergraduate writing programs in the world: Cornellians choose from among 200 different First-Year Writing Seminars taught in more than 30 departments and programs – from the humanities to the social sciences, expressive arts and physical sciences.
In First-Year Writing Seminars, students develop writing skills in small classes alongside a diverse mix of students from all eight of Cornell’s colleges.
What is the FWS Writing Consultation?
Some students have questions about if and how the First-Year Writing Seminars they have selected will suit their learning styles and academic needs and expectations. In the early days of the semester, the Knight Institute's Writing Workshop offers a FWS Writing Consultation to provide students with the opportunity to learn how their writing skills align with the expectations of the FWS Program. Students submit short essays to our Canvas site and schedule brief writing consultations to discuss their essays, their writing processes, and any questions about the FWS program.
Who should participate in the FWS Writing Consultation?
Not all students need to accept the invitation to participate in the FWS Writing Consultation; students should first think carefully about their experiences with and attitudes toward writing. If they have not had much formal writing instruction in high school, are unfamiliar with academic or research-based writing, have never studied in the US or at an English-medium institution, or feel a general lack of confidence about writing, students should consider participating in this unique opportunity to talk with a writing specialist.
Why participate in the FWS Writing Consultation?
For most students who opt to participate, the writing consultation simply confirms that they will be comfortably challenged by the writing and learning opportunities presented in typical First-Year Writing Seminars.
For other students, the writing consultation will make available an alternate route FWS, one that provides a more intensive and individualized learning environment. WRIT 1370/80: Elements of Academic Writing is the same as any other FWS in all but a few ways: the class sizes are smaller (enrollment is limited to 12 students), students attend weekly one-on-one writing conferences with instructors (25 minutes per week), and courses tend to have shorter readings lists.
How to Participate in the FWS Writing Consultation:
Enroll in FWS Writing Consultation
- Enroll in the FWS Writing Consultation.
- Write a short essay in response to an assigned essay prompt OR, if you have already taken a FWS, submit the last essay you wrote in the course.
- Post your essay to CANVAS before the Add period ends on Tuesday, September 6.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact Jennifer Janke at
Enroll in FWS Writing Consultation@
Watch this Fall 2021 Knight Institute FWS Orientation video for guidance:
In this 20-minute video, Knight faculty, Jessica Sands (Multilingual Writing Specialist), David Faulkner (First-Year Writing Seminars Director), Tracy Carrick (Writing Workshop Director), and Kate Navickas (Cornell Writing Centers Director) welcome you to Cornell, answer common questions about First-Year Writing Seminars, and introduce you to Knight Institute resources.
Follow this link to the GoogleDoc referenced in this video: Knight Institute FWS Orientation First-Year Writing Seminars and Writing Support