Graduate Writing Service | The difference between barely writing and BEARLY writing

Schedule a GWS Appointment

Graduate Writing Service tutors are experienced writers and teachers of writing from multiple disciplines -- with scholarly and professional backgrounds in the humanities and social and physical sciences. Some of us are also instructors of languages other than English.

We are are available weekdays and evenings to work with Cornell graduate students, post-docs, faculty, and staff to refine and develop strategies for drafting and revising writing projects and teaching materials. 

We welcome graduate students, postdocs, and faculty who are working on scholarly and professional writing projects. 

During a typical session, Graduate Writing Service tutors may help writers to:

  • get started with writing projects and teaching artifacts by brainstorming organizational schemes, evaluating materials, defining research questions.
  • explore ways to shape coherent arguments, make strong use of evidence, work with appropriate citation conventions.
  • consider questions about depth of analysis, organization, thesis statements, paragraph development, audience expectations, style, sentence structure.
  • identify patterns of error in grammar or usage in order to develop effective strategies for line editing.

We offer three different types of appointments: you can meet with GWS tutors on campus at 172 Rockefeller Hall; you can meet with GWS tutors for a 60-minute digital appointment using an internet-based video, audio, or synchronous messaging platform, or you can submit a draft for a GWS tutor's written feedback.

The Graduate Writing Service is co-sponsored by the Knight Institute and the Cornell Graduate School.

 Spring 2025 Schedule

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Graduate Writing Service