Maya Mau ('24) to publish FWS essay

Maya Mau's (ILR, '24) article "'Orientalism' in the Alhambra: Examining Western perceptions of the Alhambra and the Fountain in the Court of the Lions" will be published this Spring in Esferas, NYU's Department of Spanish & Portuguese undergraduate journal. In this piece, Mau "considers the impact of 'Orientalism' on scholarly understanding of the Alhambra, and specifically the fountain in the Court of Lions." She "proposes that 'Orientalism' has obstructed, without preventing, scholars from studying the Alhambra’s history, artwork, and poetry in the context of the culture in which it was produced." 

Mau first wrote this essay in her Fall '21 First-Year Writing Seminar -- ART HISTORY 1132: Seeing, Reading, and Writing the Alhambra with Professor Cynthia Robinson. 

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