Teaching First-Year Writing Seminars: Info Sessions for Grad Students & Faculty

The Knight Institute will hold two information sessions and one workshop intended for graduate students and faculty interested in the First-year writing seminar program. 

Please join us at one or more of these  sessions designed to help new instructors plan and design excellent courses: courses that meet the expectations of the FWS program and speak to Cornell’s first-year students. 

Designing a new seminar is a time-consuming enterprise. The earlier potential instructors get information about what it means to teach an FWS, the more efficient they can be while designing and teaching their courses.

 Sessions 1 & 2 | What is a FWS?

Open to anyone who is interested in the FWS program, whether they plan to teach an FWS in the next academic year; expect to teach one at some point during their time at Cornell; are involved in supporting FWS teachers; or are just interested in learning more.

Session 1: Thursday, December 8, 2:00pm - 3:15pm, 165 McGraw Hall

Session 2: Thursday, January 19, 2:00pm - 3:15pm, Zoom only

Session 3 | How to Plan a FWS?

Session will focus on drafting course descriptions; selecting readings; understanding training programs and opportunities; and making good use of the time before the semester starts to design a successful writing seminar. (Aimed primarily at teachers who are planning to teach a seminar in 2023-24.)

Session 3: Friday, March 3, 3:00pm - 4:15pm, Location TBD


Please notify Donna Newton (dlo1@cornell.edu) if you plan to attend any session. Please include: Name, Netid, Department, and current status in department or program.

If you are interested in learning more about FWS teaching, or have questions, please contact David Faulkner or Elliot Shapiro.

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