Graduate Writing Service tutors are a valuable resource not just for writers, but also for teachers. GWS tutors -- experienced writers and teachers of writing from multiple disciplines -- are available weekdays and evenings to work with First-Year Writing Seminar instructors and other teachers of writing to refine and develop strategies for reading and responding to student writing.
Consider signing up for an appointment to workshop ideas for drafts of teaching statements, teaching philosophies, course syllabi, lesson plans, or writing assignment handouts. Follow this link for more information and to schedule an appointment: Graduate Writing Service
You might also consider scheduling an Essay Response Consultation, during which instructors sit down one on one with tutors to talk about student writing. Because they have a great deal of experience in reading and talking about student essays and helping students to understand and learn from teacher comments, GWS tutors can usefully support instructors who want to deepen and extend strategies for commenting on student work. Follow this link for more information: Essay Response Consultation