Cornell Writes! Tips from our community of writers

Cornell Writes! Tips from our community of writers is a digital newsletter sponsored by the Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines and the Cornell University Graduate School.

Each week, a member of our writing community – a Graduate Writing ServiceEnglish Language Support Office, or Cornell Writing Centers tutor; a writing specialist from the Knight Institute; a writing instructor from our First-Year Writing Seminars or Writing in the Majors programs; maybe YOU – shares a writing strategy from their own writer’s toolkit. #writelikeabear

Contact Tracy Hamler Carrick with questions and ideas.

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We'll be back! 

Our writers and editors are taking a short break to consult with writers -- and collect ideas for new writing tips! Check back with us in January. In the meantime, please schedule an appointment with one of us at any of our three tutoring programs: Graduate Writing ServiceEnglish Language Support Office, or Cornell Writing Centers.
